6 sie 2010

Dzieci z Bullerbyn

Bóbr, misiek, Dziewczynka
inna nazwa - Dzieci z Bullerbyn
Technika własna, 2007 r.

tłum: "The children from Bullerbyn"
My own painting technique.


2 komentarze:

  1. Hi Galazinka!

    Really good things on this site!. Its great to see your impresive use of textures and brushes. Very "atmospherical" illustrations, plenty of painting-feelings!

    Keep in touch!.....Andrés

  2. Hello Andy ;)

    Thanks for pleasing and important words :)
    Nicely you like my illustrations.
    Soon I will throw new pictures, so I`m inviting You to watch them ;)

    Keep in touch
